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We Welcome All

Bethany Catholic Primary School Werribee

Welcome to Bethany Catholic Primary School, we hope that you find our website, a great source of information and an ongoing way to engage in school life and learning at Bethany.

At Bethany Catholic Primary School, we work closely within the Parish and local community to provide a challenging and happy learning environment.

We currently have 560 students from Prep (the foundation year of school) to Year 6 and we offer a comprehensive curriculum in all learning areas based on the Victorian Curriculum.

The Bethany school motto, “Journey Together” reminds us that we are all committed to guiding the students successfully through their primary school years. We will ‘Journey Together’.

We are very proud of our diverse and rich school community. We encourage respect, acceptance and inclusion of all. The many gifts and talents of each member of the school community are acknowledged as a part of our Catholic identity.

The students are encouraged to have a voice in the life of the school in learning, in playing and in building community and relationships.

We aspire to work closely with parents, carers and families to build the strongest possible community of learners.

The staff of Bethany bring expertise, experience and enthusiasm to learning and to the life of this
school. Professional learning is a priority and the opportunities to learn with a whole school approach have been embraced by all staff.

We strive to communicate effectively with our community and always  welcome your feedback and communication as we build relationships for learning at Bethany.

As Principal of Bethany Catholic Primary School, I endeavour to lead collaboratively and in consultation with students, families and staff as we build our learning community. We shape our vision and values together and we look forward together – always striving for improvement as learners and as servants of Jesus. 


Mrs Joanne Webster


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Journey Together at Bethany...


Our School


Our Learning


Our Faith


Our Students


Our Community




Connect with Us

Bethany Werribee

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Bethany Catholic Primary School Werribee

Address: 80 Thames Road, Werribee North, Vic, 3030

Phone: (03) 9742 9800


Bethany Catholic Primary School is a school that operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS).

MACS governs and operates 292 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese to continue the mission of Catholic education to proclaim the Good News and equip our young people with the knowledge, skills and hope to live meaningful lives and enrich the world around them.

Because the good work of educating the young is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community, School Advisory Councils have been established to provide a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders.

This governance model was designed to ease the administrative burden on our schools and parishes, allow parish priests to focus on the mission of education in the parish, enable greater collaboration between schools and ensure greater consistency in school policies and procedures.

© 2024 Bethany Primary School. Site design & photography by School Presence

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